Exciting news, our latest film, Lot 13, will be released online on March 29th!
The film stars Simon Evans and Sanjeev Kohli with Meat Bingo regular Joe Hancock, plus new collaborators O’Shea & O’Gaukroger. The producer is Moose Allain. The composer for Lot 13 is Nick Harvey@mrnickharvey
Details here: http://www.meatbingo.co.uk/media/lot-13/
The film stars Simon Evans and Sanjeev Kohli with Meat Bingo regular Joe Hancock, plus new collaborators O’Shea & O’Gaukroger. The producer is Moose Allain. The composer for Lot 13 is Nick Harvey@mrnickharvey
Details here: http://www.meatbingo.co.uk/media/lot-13/